Digital reference checking - this is how you do it!

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April 15, 2024
Digital reference checking
What is digital reference checking and where does the difference lie compared to the traditional method of reference checking?

Digital Reference Checking

What is digital reference checking and where does the difference lie compared to the traditional method of reference checking? In this article, we will share insights into what digital reference checking entails and how you can work with it effectively.

The New Way to Secure References

Typically, reference checking is the final piece of the recruitment puzzle. The purpose is to gain additional perspectives on a candidate from their previous employers or colleagues. Traditionally, this is done through phone calls or emails. However, in recent years, digital reference checking has become increasingly popular. Instead of calling references, digital tools are used to send out and collect questions and answers. Some use digital reference checking as a complement to traditional methods.

Digital vs. Traditional Reference Checking

The biggest difference is obvious - everything happens online in digital reference checking. However, the goal is still the same: to gain deeper insight into the candidate from sources other than the candidate themselves. The advantages of digital reference checking are many. Firstly, it saves time for all parties involved. Additionally, it can increase the objectivity of responses, as there is less room for unconscious and/or spontaneous influence in the conversation. The reference giver can be more honest, knowing that their responses are being documented verbatim.

Preparation is Key

In digital reference checking, preparation is the key to success. All questions should be selected and formulated in advance, reducing control over the conversation compared to a phone call. Therefore, it is important that the questions are well-thought-out and relevant to the position. They should focus on competencies and job performance.

Digital reference checking is not only a modern method but also a more efficient one. By using digital tools, a smoother and more reliable reference checking experience can be created for both recruiters and reference givers.

Advantages of Digital Reference Checking

The advantages are several, and to summarize these:
1. Time Efficiency: Time efficiency is a significant advantage. Reference forms are sent and answered electronically, reducing the time it takes to gather and process information.
2. Scalability: You can easily scale up the process to handle more applications and references simultaneously. This is particularly useful for organizations with high volumes of recruitment.
3. Efficiency: Digital tools make it smooth to send out questionnaires, reminders, and then compile the responses in a structured manner. This reduces manual work.
4. Better Documentation: Digital references can be saved and archived electronically, making it easier to organize and search for references when needed.
5. Increased Accessibility: Digital reference forms can be sent and answered anytime and anywhere, increasing accessibility for both the reference giver and the seeker. This can be particularly useful if the reference giver and the seeker are in different time zones.

Disadvantages of Digital Reference Checking

It is also important to be aware of potential risks and disadvantages of digital reference checking.
1. Lack of Personal Contact: Given that personal contact is lost, non-verbal signals such as body language and tone of voice, which can otherwise provide important information, are also lost.
2. Ensuring Authenticity: Since digital references are sent digitally, there is a risk that the information may be altered or falsified by the applicant. It can be difficult to verify that the references are authentic and unbiased – but this can be an equal challenge even in traditional reference checking.
3. GDPR Compliance: Handling personal information in connection with digital reference checking can be sensitive, and careful handling is required to ensure compliance with data protection laws and privacy regulations.

Read more about reference checking

Here you can find 5 Reference checking myths debunked.

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