Recruiting Staff

minutes reading
June 26, 2023
recruit staff
Recruiting high-performing and self-driven personnel can be a challenge. These candidates are in demand in the job market and may be satisfied with their current workplace. Here are five steps to recruit self-driven employees who already have another job.

5 Steps to Recruit Self-Driven Personnel

Recruiting staff that is high-performing and self-driven can be a challenge, especially when they already have a job. These candidates are in demand in the job market and may be satisfied with their current workplace. To attract and recruit such candidates, a strategic and thoughtful process is required. Here are five steps to recruit self-driven employees who already have another job.

Search & Headhunting as a method to recruit staff

Self-driven employees who are also outstanding in their field are sought after and, in most cases, already employed. To find these candidates, you need to use search and headhunting methods. This involves actively searching and identifying potential candidates by looking on various platforms and networks. It can be professional social media, industry-related forums, or through personal recommendations. Be strategic and targeted in your search to find the best candidates. Read more about our headhunting services here.

"It's important to be skilled at piquing the candidate's curiosity and getting them interested in the process, even if the first step may be very light and in the form of a brief phone call," says TB-Group Co-founder & CEO Jusef Issa.

First Interview: Sell the Company, Connect with the Candidate

Once you have identified potential candidates, it's time for the first interview. Focus on selling your company and creating a positive experience for the candidate. Tell them about the company's vision, values, and successes. Show how the candidate can contribute and grow in such an environment. Be curious and ask questions to get to know the candidate better. Find out what is important to them and how you can make their life better, not just their work life. Create an atmosphere where the candidate feels comfortable and engaged. The goal is to make the first interview so pleasant that it is natural for the candidate to want to come for a second interview.

Second Interview: Confirm the Candidate's Needs

In the second interview, you have gained a better understanding of the candidate and their preferences and ambitions. Use this opportunity to show that you listen and care about the candidate's needs and desires. If possible, discuss references from current employees who are in a similar situation as the candidate. Let them share their experiences and daily life in the company to create a realistic picture of what the candidate can expect. Also, try to provide a clear offer, even if verbally, and describe the opportunities and benefits the candidate can expect if they choose to join your company.

It's important to note that a skilled candidate who comes for an interview and already has a good job may initially be less inclined to switch.

"Make sure to build up the candidate's interest and enthusiasm. Aim to increase their engagement from 3 out of 10 in the first meeting to at least 8 out of 10 before presenting a concrete offer," explains Jusef Issa.

Reverse Reference Checking

If the candidate has any concerns or doubts about the position or the company, it can be beneficial to offer them the opportunity to contact current employees for references. By contacting current or former employees in a reverse reference check, the candidate can gain a better understanding of the company and work environment. This can help reduce concerns and increase trust in your company. Make sure you have references ready to share and be prepared to answer any questions or concerns the candidate may have.

"This is a somewhat uncommon approach overall, but it tends to be very successful. Above all, the candidate sees that the employer is transparent and honest," Jusef Issa explains.

The Offer

When it's time to present the offer to the sought-after candidate, it's important to do it in a way that is hard to resist. Start by emphasizing the company's benefits and what sets it apart from other employers. Show how the company can offer something unique and how it can enhance the candidate's career and lifestyle. Highlight specific advantages and benefits that can attract the candidate. Be transparent and clear about responsibilities, expectations, and opportunities for career development. Offer flexibility in the transition from the current job and be prepared to tailor the offer based on the candidate's needs and preferences.

Summary: Recruiting Self-Driven Personnel

By following the above-described five steps, you can increase your chances of recruiting self-driven and skilled employees who already have another job. Be strategic in your search, convincingly sell your company, create a positive experience for the candidate, and offer attractive benefits and opportunities. By showing that you understand and value the candidate's needs and ambitions, you can attract the best talents and build a successful workforce. Feel free to contact us at TB-Group if you want more tips or to see how we can assist you in recruiting your next self-driven employee.

External links for those who want to read more:

Forbes: 15 Effective Ways To Improve Recruiting And Find Good Talent

recruit staff
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